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A Week with Stephen M. Stahl – Masterclass of Psychopharmacology
November 22, 2018 @ 8:30 am - 5:30 pm
Stephen M. Stahl, one of the most important psychiatrists and pharmacologists in the world, will be in Rome, at the Pontifical University Regina Apostolorum – European University of Rome for a full day of the psychopharmacology conference. The event is a major scientific event during which some of the most current topics, both basic and clinical research, in the field of psychopharmacology and clinical practice will be discussed. World-renowned psychopharmacologists and psychiatrists, through a critical review of their fields of investigation, will offer the opportunity for participants to take a look at the future of research. The total duration of the course is 7 hours and will release ECM 4.9. Application Fee € 80. There are 200 seats available. You need to fill in the online forum and registration form by clicking here and accessing the appropriate platform.