The UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights in collaboration with The University of Anáhuac (Faculty of Bioethics), and the Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum is launching the NEW Master in Global Bioethics online.
Objectives & Outcomes:
- Training future university professors, health care professionals, biomedical researchers, social and political agents with high academic knowledge and skills in bioethics.
- Providing an integral formation in the field of global bioethics, allowing participants to develop their professional activity, both in the private and public sphere, with social responsibility and grounded in person-center approach.
Addressed to people interested in:
- Promoting human dignity, human rights and duties in the field of life sciences and medicine as well as in social, legal and political environments
- Studying and researching about the biomedical, philosophical, social and legal aspects of the contemporary important and cutting-edge bioethical dilemmas
- Developing capacity for interdisciplinary, international and cross-cultural dialogue to explore new solutions for the preservation of health and the improvement of individual well-being and social welfare.
- Concept of Human Being in Bioethics and Global Bioethics
- Trends and Currents of Thought in Bioethics
- Research Techniques and Databases
- Ethical Fundamentals of Bioethics
- Clinical and Bioethical Aspects at the Beginning of Life
- Bioethics, Sexuality and Human Reproduction
- Bioethical and Clinical Aspects at the End of Life
- Bioethics and Medical Act
- Bioethics and Health Management/Health Care Policies
- Bioethics and Biolaw
- Global Bioethics
- Global Bioethics and International Human Rights: The Human Right to Health
- Emerging Technologies and Global Bioethics: Neuro-Nano-Info Technologies
- Cross-cultural Dialogue in Global Bioethics
- Public Health Ethics
- Bioethics and Social Problems
- Bioethics and Environment
- Research Methodology in Bioethics
For further infromation and application contact: Marinés Girault, maria.girault@anahuac.mx
Academic Load: 1500 hours of student work
Duration: Two years studying part-time
Hours: Available all day
Scholarships: Available
UAM: Master Certificate*
UNESCO Chair: Diploma
*Validity of Studies Recognition issued by the Secretary of Public Education by means of Presidential Decree, published in the Official Journal of the Federation in November 26, 1982. SEP Approved Num. 01-0832-18
The next generation of Bioethicists
Help us support training of the next generation of bioethicists in Malawi, India, Nigeria, Philippines and other countries in need. To develop professors, health personnel, researchers to be able analyze and propose solutions to the global bioethical dilemmas.