Executive summary

Some of the outcomes and results related to our objective of promoting an integrated system of research, training, information and documentation on bioethics and human rights are the following:

  • Improvement of communication regarding the project of the UNESCO Chair, its mission, and its activities within the organization and to the public (using our internet site: www.unescobiochair.org,  periodical newsletters)
  • Design, launching and consolidation of some academic programs and activities in collaboration with our UNITWIN partners in Mexico and Angola.
  • Consolidation of Neurobioethics Research Group (ongoing monthly meetings and first accredited Educational Program -Summer Course 2012-)
  • Creation an consolidation of a forum of diverse bioethics thoughts leaders through the organization of our 2st International Workshop on Human Vulnerability (Oct 2011) delivering a framework to guide the application of bioethical principles. Involvement of Asian academic institutions through the preparation of 2nd Workshop on Bioethics, Multiculturalims and Religion (Dic 2013)
  • Innovative involvement of artistic community in bioethics issues through the organization of our 1st International Bioethics Art Competition on Human Vulnerabilty (Sep-Oct 2011) and consolidation by organizing 2nd edition of the competition.
  • Increased interest and involvement of new scholars and students from our host institutions (UER-APRA) some of them volunteering as fellows and interns, making possible consolidation and development of our activities.

See full report.