Masterclass in Neurobioethics
The Interdisciplinary Research Group in Neurobiothics (GdN) of the Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum (APRA) in Rome, starting from neuroscientific research and the emerging applications of neuro-technologies on the human being, will dedicate most of its reflection, research, publication and education of the year 2017-2018 to deepen critically at 360 degrees these topics. This first Masterclass in Neurobioethics “Neurobioethics and Transhumanism” will gather part of the outcome of this reflection. It will be possible to follow it both in loco and online.
From September 2017 to June 2018, the GdN offers a set of 10 seminars and round- table seminars, including a Brain Awareness Week conference promoted by DANA Foundation, on neurosurgical, neurological, psychiatric, psychological, philosophical, theological, legal, bioethical aspects related to the so-called “Head Transplantation” (Human Head Transplantation) and the possible anthropological, ethical, legal, health and social consequences of these interventions on human life.
A particular emphasis will be given to the reflection about issues related to informed consent, focusing on a dual category of vulnerable subjects: tetraplegic patients or affected by other pathologies severely debilitating the motor system; people from social, cultural, political contexts who explicitly or implicitly limit the full exercise of what established by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, ratified by UN since 1948. This awareness will in particular focus on issues related to the dignity and value of our human body, as well as its availability/unavailability.
In collaboration with

▪ 29/09/2017, Friday, aula Master (1° floor) – Opening round-table seminar: Posthuman and transhuman: the anthropological issue. During the event, it will be presented the volume “The Echo of Solidity. The nostalgia of the recall, between liquid anthropology and posthumanism” (IF PRESS, 2017) written by Giulia Bovassi and including a preface by Claudio Bonito.
▪ 27/10/2017, Friday, aula Master (1o floor) – Seminar: Neurosurgical and neurological aspects;
▪ 24/11/2017, Friday, aula Master (1o floor) – Round-table seminar: Psychiatric aspects of the so-called “Head Transplantation”;
▪ 14/12/2017, Thursday, aula Master (1o floor) – Round-table seminar: Clinical neurosciences and psycology deal with the first “Head Transplantation”;
▪ 26/01/2018, Friday, aula Tesi (1o floor) – Round-table seminar: “Head Transplantation” and the problems related to personal identity: philosophy investigates;
▪ 23/02/2018, Friday, aula Tesi (1o floor) – Seminar: Who is that body? Law questions on the legal aspects, the informed consent, the vulnerability and the rights of subjects involved in the “Head Transplantation” challenge;
▪ 14/03/2018, Wednesday, Conference inserted in the Brain Awareness Week program promoted by DANA Foundation, “Neurobioethics and transhumanism”, 15-19:00, aula Master (1o floor);
▪ 16/03/2018, Friday, aula Tesi (1o floor) Round-table seminar: Philosophycal issues about posthuman e transhuman;
▪ 20/04/2018, Friday, aula Tesi (1o floor) Round-table seminar: Theology investigates on the scenarios opened by transhumanism;
▪ 25/05/2018, Friday, aula Tesi (1o floor) Seminar: Bio-juridical issues related to posthuman e transhuman;
▪ 22/06/2018, Friday, aula Tesi (1o floor) Seminar: Economic and marketing issues related to posthuman and transhuman.
The course is designed for doctors, bioethicists, philosophers, theologians and trainers who want to deepen the new scenarios of neurobioethics and transhumanism. At the end of the masterclass, a certificate of participation will be released to the participants and, after the evaluation of a written synthesis work, 3 ECTS credits will be issued.
The registration fee is € 300. Enrollment deadline: 27/10/2017
Masterclass coordinator: Prof. P. Alberto Carrara L.C. Phone: 06/916891
For more info
Prof P. Alberto Carrara L.C.
Mobile: 329/9157494